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Statewide Materials

Materials Site Inventory

Welcome to the Alaska DOT&PF Materials Inventory Site

The Statewide Material Sites Inventory (MSI) contains information on material sites used by DOT&PF. While this website provides a repository for interested parties to locate basic information about those sites, the information does not represent current conditions. The MSI was a project deliverable, with compilation of site information occurring in 2006 – 2015. The associated database has not been updated since the original data collection. The MSI is not the only source for information on material sites used by the Department. To obtain current and more comprehensive information for a specific site, contact the Regional Right of Way, Materials, and Maintenance & Operations Sections.


The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities makes no warranty, representation or guaranty as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of any of the data/database information provided herein. The user should not rely on the data provided herein for any reason. DOT&PF explicitly disclaims any representations and warranties, including, without limitations, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. DOT&PF shall assume no liability for: 1. Any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided regardless of how caused; or 2. Any decision made or action taken or not taken by user in reliance upon any information or data furnished hereunder.

To view Material Site Inventory Data and Reports click here.