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Copyright & Trademark Notice

DOT&PF Copyright Notice

To the maximum extent allowed by law, all material contained in any publication, web page, or other work product of the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities and its various sections and divisions (DOT&PF), including all text, images, photographs, graphics, sounds, user interfaces, software, "frames" to reproduce/display DOT&PF’s web pages/site on an external website, and any other content, is protected from unauthorized use under the United States Copyright Act (Copyright Act), 17 U.S.C. §101 et seq., as well as international copyright law. Subject to Fair Use under the Copyright Act, such as limited copying for non-commercial purposes like teaching, research, or scholarship, any unauthorized copying, downloading, republication, or other use of the above-referenced material, without the prior written authorization of DOT&PF, is strictly prohibited.

Upon request, DOT&PF may grant authorization to use the above-referenced material on a case-by-case basis. Please direct your request for authorization and other inquires to Program Management and Administration at (907) 465-8858 or When requesting authorization to copy, republish, or reprint DOT&PF material, prepare a letter of request that: (1) explains the nature of the request (i.e., your intended use and its duration), and (2) clearly identifies the requested material, including pertinent source information (e.g., year, volume, number, edition, pages or portions of a page, URL of the web page, and/or nature of the information or data).

Violation of copyright law is a serious matter. Under the Copyright Act, an infringer may be liable for DOT&PF’s actual damages plus any profits the infringer made from the infringement, or alternatively, statutory damages of up to $150,000 for willful infringement. Also, an infringer may be subject to injunctive relief and liable for DOT&PF’s attorney’s fees and costs. To avoid possible copyright infringement, if you are not sure whether the Fair Use provision of the Copyright Act allows copying of an item or material, please request copies of the materials directly from DOT&PF or obtain written authorization from the department before using DOT&PF materials.

DOT&PF also encourages the use of one or more of the following web techniques: (1) sites can link to DOT&PF’s own web pages containing those materials or information, (2) sites can create coding such that a NEW browser window will open displaying DOT&PF’s appropriate web page (A HREF=" " . . . target="_blank" or target="_new"), or (3) write to DOT&PF and request that specific data or information that is currently not posted to its site be added to the site so links can be established to the DOT&PF original material on its site. For materials that DOT&PF is unable to post immediately (for your site to link to), you may ask DOT&PF about licensing those materials for posting to your own web site.

Alteration or Manipulation of Distributed Electronic Documents and Forms

Documents distributed in an electronic manner (e.g., Adobe Acrobat documents - .pdf; PostScript files - .eps, .ps, .prn; word processing documents - .doc, .wp, .rtf, .txt; spreadsheet documents - .xls, .csv; or hypertext markup language - .htm, .html; etc.) may not be altered or manipulated (largely or in part) and then republished or reposted through any medium without prior written department approval. Non-approved alteration of DOT&PF’s original materials and reposting or duplication of its electronic documents or files is strictly prohibited.

Adobe Acrobat PDF files require a free viewer available directly from Adobe. Need a hard copy of a publication? Contact the DOT&PF Webmaster.

DOT&PF Trademark Notice

DOT&PF’s various logos are our official "trademark" and not available for general use. Use of DOT&PF logos is reserved for official state publications, electronic or paper. Restrictions on use of the DOT&PF logos and other intellectual property rights are established by state and federal law.

Additionally, you may not duplicate or imitate the design or layout of DOT&PF’s web site or the Visual Standard Guidelines employed by DOT&PF, its sections, or divisions. (Visual Standards Guidelines prescribe uniform and unique colors, typography, graphics and images which, when used in combination, enable an entity such as the Alaska Marine Highway System to brand its publications in a readily identifiable manner.) Elements of DOT&PF’s web site and any publications employing Visual Standard Guidelines are considered protectable trade dress of DOT&PF under applicable state and federal laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part with prior written authorization from DOT&PF.

DOT&PF Grant of Authorized Use of Protected Materials

If DOT&PF grants a request to use copyright or trademark protected materials, it will issue a written authorization to the requesting entity and include the terms or conditions of authorized use. In some cases, DOT&PF’s review and response to a request may require extended time. If you do not receive a reasonable response to your request, please contact DOT&PF and request a status update.


All Rights Reserved

DOT&PF reserves all rights. Unless otherwise provided, nothing contained herein shall be construed to grant or confer any license or right of use to anyone under any copyright, trade or service mark, or other intellectual property right. Although DOT&PF may grant written authorization to use its copyrighted or trademarked materials, DOT&PF also reserves the right to revoke such authorization at any time, in which case the use of such materials shall be discontinued immediately upon written notice from the department.

Questions and Assistance

For questions or assistance, contact

Notice updated 01/15/2010

** For additional information please see information concerning our Terms of Use.