Completing a RCIA Permit Application Request
If you meet the Minimum Qualifications, then
you will automatically be sent to the Recreational/Cultural Interest Area (RCIA) Permit
Application screen.
The Account Information section on the screen should show the name of the individual
or organization/company applying for the permit and their mailing address.
- Fill in the Proposed RCIA Sign Location Information fields.
All required fields are denoted with a red asterisk (*)
- Select the region where the proposed RCIA sign will be located, required, from the pulldown menu. Use
the down arrow to see your options.

- Enter the proposed sign location in the
Location of the Proposed Sign Installation (Include highway name, milepost,
or any other information that will help us locate your business.) field.
- Select the Intersection type by clicking on the appropriate circle.
- Fill in the Service Area Information.

All required fields are denoted with a red asterisk (*)
- Enter the mileage from the highway to the RCIA, required, in the Enter the Mileage from Highway
to Destination: field.
- Indicate if the RCIA is within city limits, required, using the Is Destination within City Limits? pulldown.
- Enter the number of motorist that visited the RCIA, required, in the Number of Motorist Served Last Year: field.
- Enter the speed limit in the Speed Limit: field.
- Fill in the Proposed Sign Information.

- Enter the text for the sign in the Requested sign Legend: field.
First two lines are reserved for the name of the RCIA. The third line is reserved
for the direction (i.e., next right/left, x miles, etc.).
- Click on the boxes under the sign images that you would like to include on your sign.
You may select up to 4. Click Other to provide your own diagram.
- Indicate how you will submit your attachments, either by mail or electronically,
in the Attachment section.

Select the Submit button to create the permit application.

Select the Cancel button to exit to the Main Menu without saving your application.
Select the Reset button to erase your information and start again.
Select the Logout button to exit the system.
Last modified date: 09/30/2002