Completing RCIA Permit Application Minimum Qualifications

To acquire a RCIA Permit , you must first pass the Minimum Qualifications.

    The Applicant Information section on the form should show the name of the entity requesting the permit and the mailing address for the entity.

    All required fields are denoted with a red asterisk (*)

  1. Select yes from the pulldown menu, by selecting the down arrow and moving the cursor over the yes to highlight it, if your RCIA is accessible by a maintained road. Otherwise, select No.

  2. Select yes from the pulldown menu, by selecting the down arrow and moving the cursor over the yes to highlight it, if your RCIA attracts an average of at least 100 persons per day during at least four consecutive months. Otherwise, select No.

  3. Select yes from the pulldown menu, by selecting the down arrow and moving the cursor over the yes to highlight it, if your RCIA is noted for its recreational or cultural significance (i.e., national parks, state parks, sites listed in the National Register of Historic Places, libraries, community centers, museums, art galleries, race tracks, and ski areas or land that is of cultural significance under one ownership). Otherwise, select No.

  4. Select yes from the pulldown menu, by selecting the down arrow and moving the cursor over the yes to highlight it, if the view of your RCIA or on-premise sign is blocked until a motorist is within 1,250 feet of your RCIAs. Otherwise, select No.

  5. Select yes from the pulldown menu, by selecting the down arrow and moving the cursor over the yes to highlight it, if the view of your business or on-premise sign blocked until a motorist is within 1,250 feet of your business. Otherwise, select No.

  6. Select yes from the pulldown menu, by selecting the down arrow and moving the cursor over the yes to highlight it, if all necessary business licenses are current and maintained Otherwise, select No.

  7. Select the Submit button to create the permit request .


    Select the Cancel button to exit to the main menu without saving your information.


    Select the Reset button to erase your information and start again.

Last modified date: 08/28/2002