Apply for this permit when you are constructing a new or modifying an existing
driveway or approach road.
From the Main Menu, select the down arrow in the Apply for Permit section.

The Permits pulldown menu appears.
- Select Driveway/Approach Road from the
pulldown menu in the Apply for Permit section.
- Select the Apply button.
The Driveway and Approach Road Permit Application appears.
The Account Information section on the screen should show the name of the individual
or organization/company applying for the permit and their mailing address.
- Fill in the Location Information section.
All required fields are denoted with a red asterisk (*)

- Select the region where the closure will occur, required, from the pulldown menu. Use
the down arrow to see your options.
- Enter the routes that will be affected, required, in the
Driveway or Approach Road Location (Highway, Subdivision, Legal Description, Road,
Milepost, etc.) field.
- Enter the reason for the closure, required, in the Reason for permit field.
- Fill in the Driveway or Approach Road Information section.
All required fields are denoted with a red asterisk (*)

- Indicate if access is available, required, by selecting the down arrow by the Is access available from other public rights of way? field.
- Indicate if it is within a platted right of way, required, by selecting the down arrow by the Is the driveway or approach road within a platted right of way? field.
- Enter the number of lots served, optional, in the How many lots will the driveway or approach road serve? field.
- Enter the size of the tract served by the driveway in either square feet
or acres, required, in the Size of tract served by driveway?
- Indicate if it is within a zoning authority, optional, by selecting the down arrow by the Is the driveway or approach road located within a zoning authority? field.
- Enter the zoning designation in the Zoning designation field if within a zoning authority;
otherwise, skip this step.
- Indicate if the driveway or approach road currently exists, required, by
selecting the down arrow by the Is the driveway or approach road proposed or
existing? field.
- Enter the date of completion as currently planned, required, using the format
shown in the Date work will be completed in accordance with attached plan. field.
- Enter the maximum number of vehicles that will use the driveway/approach road in one hour,
required, in the Maximum number of vehicles which will use the driveway or approach road in any one hour field.
- Select the main use of the driveway/approach road, required, by selecting the down arrow
next to the What is the driveway or approach road's main use? field.
- Enter the proposed use of the land, required, in the Proposed land use for tract served by the driveway or approach road field.
- Fill in the Driveway Specification section.
All required fields are denoted with a red asterisk (*)
- Indicate the direction of North for your tract of land by clicking on the circle
in the compass next to the Select the direction of North
as you enter the driveway in relation to the drawing provided below: diagram.
Use the pictures provided to help you determine North.

For the questions below, use the diagrams provided above to help you.
- Indicate how you will submit your attachments in the Attachment Information section.

Select the Submit button to create the permit application.

Select the Cancel button to exit to the Main Menu without saving your application.
Select the Reset button to erase your information and start again.
Select the Logout button to exit the system.